
"Adopting a healthy lifestyle in the workplace"

As we all know, jobs in tech require long hours and a strenuous workload, especially, if we are just beginning with a start-up company. Some of us have kids, some are married, some live alone, but whichever one it is that we come home to, we always find that maintaining a healthy lifestyle, while balancing work and a personal life can be very difficult to maintain. Two areas of focus that can help us all create a healthier work environment includes increasing physical activity and being mindful of our nutrition practices in the office.

Creating Impact Across the Globe through TechWomen

Creating Impact Across the Globe through TechWomen

Women around the world have made remarkable strides – socially, economically and academically. However, there is still a long way to go. Cultural barriers hinder women’s presence and advancement as an entrepreneur and in the STEM fields. This is a global issue, happening in our own backyard but also in the Middle East, Africa and Asia. As director of the TechWomen program, I have the privilege to work with the very women who are defying the stereotypes and obstacles. These women are empowered to make a greater impact by tackling socioeconomic challenges in their own communities